Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Crest of Tengoku: Setsuko, Kallen, Setsuna, Heero, Camille. So, 4
DEC Magazine: Amuro, Trowe, Kiriko, Kei. 3
DEC Charger: Camille, Ryoma, Maridia (Turn A), Nono. 3
D Extractor: Ryoma, hibiki, Quess, Graham. 3
Spiral Extractor: Quess, Wufei, Setsuko, Tielia. 3
Prana Conductor: Banaji, Nono. 0
Chimera Membership Cards: Kallen, Camille, Setsuko, Heero. 3
Haro: Shin, Camille, Noriko, and two for Youko is 4. Garrod has the leftovers, because he can make do with a mega booster, or with a plain old booster.
Sol Armour: Lal'c, Noriko, Nono. 2
DONE. It's not perfect, but this is as good as it gets.
1 Crest of Tengoku 1
2DEC Magazines 3
3DEC Chargers  6
The D Extractor 7
3Spiral X 10
The Chimera Membership badge 11
2 sol armours 13
4 Haro 17
1 prana conductor 18
And I even have 2 free slots.

Monday, 15 June 2015

Personal deadlines:
1.Book outline completed by end of june. Done.
2.Book complete by end of August. (At 5 pages a day, and around 200 pages, it should be doable.)
3.One regular out-of-house activity by end of october.
4.Drivers by end of year. (if possible. The GDA may screw me a little.)
5.Learners by end of july. Bank card shortly thereafter.

If DJ Pon3 and Octavia were not a couple before, they are now.
I believe the appropriate term is "All aboard."

Saturday, 13 June 2015

And the winner is…

Mazingar Z!
Well, it, the Raphael Gundam and the Heavy Arms Gundam.
Yes, I know it wasn't on the list. But that's not the point.

To be fair, however:


1.It can fly.
2.High damage output - even for a super.
3.It's a single-stat mech. This combos well with the above.
4.Presence of "Guard+" spirit command. This is nice.
5.Decent functionality under water.


None me can think of.

I'm gonna pair him with getter.

Optional unit table (Z3.2) (Preliminary)

In SRT Z3.2, there are a number of units I simply cannot do without.
This number, roughly, is 37.
That leaves three units on my team I sort of can deal with losing.
This has created an odd situation.

Current Incumbents:

1.Raphael Gundam
1.GN field - This blocks all damage beneath 2500, (2900 With custom bonus) at a cost of only 10EN per activation. This is not the best kind of barrier, as it still allows anything 2901+ to hit for full damage, but it's still nice to have.
2.Guard - this knocks incoming damage down to 80% at 130 will. Combos well with the above.
3.High armour - and not just for a real robot, either.
4.Support defence - combos well with the above.
5.Presence of the "Guard" and "Invincible" spirits (Damage is reduced to 1/4 until your next turn, and to 1/8 for the next fight, respectively) Combos well with the above.
6.Has EN Regenerate (Small)
7.It can fly.
8.It's a single-stat mech.
9.Presence of a map weapon

1.Low damage output - though it's assist weapon is reasonable.
2.Low movement. Base is 6.
3.No barrier piercing weapons.

Overall assessment: Pros heavily outweigh cons, and the Pros stack with each other. Effective wall.

2.Harute Gundam
1.Very, very high movement. Base is 8.
2.Pilot's ACE bonus - boosts it's own squad's movement by 1, even if it's the sub unit. (IE: Leader movement 11, sub 12, total 13.) Also, final evasion raised by 20%.
3.Unit custom bonus - all weapons gain the "Usable after moving" property.
4.It can Fly
5.Has EN Regenerate (Small)
6.Presence of a sub pilot - and she has love. Darn, I forgot about that.
7.Presence of the "Valour/hot blood" spirit command.
8.Presence of the "Accelerate" spirit command (Movement +3 for one turn).

1.It's a two-stat mech. Both melee and ranged have to be levelled up. This not only hurts it offensively, but defensively as well, because there are no points to put into evasion.
2.Low damage output - slightly better then the raphael overall, but with a weaker assist weapon, and this is compounded rather nastily by the above.
3.It's so okay it's meh - there is nothing really special about this mech, so it looks bad compared to the others.
4.No barrier piercing weapons.
5.Fragile - It's stats are comparable to other reals, but it has no survival tricks, and that 20% extra evade counts for a lot less then one would expect.
6.Requires both E and B save, and unlike with the Raphael, which also requires this, it isn't a non-issue, because it delivers so much less.

Overall Assessment: Pros and cons mostly cancel each other, leaving it trailing the back by a considerable margin. Pros outweigh the cons slightly, thus leaving it trailing the pack by a little. That movement boost is (still) all it's used for…but it's pretty nice.

3.Gundam Heavy-arms Custom
1.It's a single-stat mech.
2.Powerful and decent range assist attack - this is boosted nicely by the above.
3.Presence of a map weapon.
4.Decent effectiveness underwater - not invaluable, but nice.
5.Trowe's ACE bonus - boosts ALL weapon damage by 20%
6.Presence of survivability - doesn't make him invincible, but it's a nice survival trick.
7.Presence of the "Snipe" spirit command (Range +2 for one attack) Always useful in a ranged attacker.
8.Unit custom bonus - this pushes the number of shots for his ALL weapon from 4 to 6; and with B save, it goes to 9. With B save, it's Assist weapon goes to 36 (!) shots.
9.Weapons are all bullet based - with the DEC magazine, this guy can go for practically ever.
10.Presence of "Valour" spirit command.

1.Landlocked. This is annoying.
2.Low damage output - but still better then the other two. Actually, strike that. with both single attack and the ace bonus, it's best weapon rises in power from 6300 to 8190, (At 10 levels customization) which is actually respectable quite very strong. even as just an all weapon, it's still looking at 7560 power, which is pretty damn good excellent. Also, it has size ignore. Screw it, this is a pro.
3.No barrier piercing weapons.
4.Low movement - base is 6.
5.No real move and attack weapons to speak of.

Overall Assessment: Not superstar material, but incredibly solid.

Possible replacements:



1.Space S rank.
2.A ranks everywhere else.
3.It has a barrier that knocks 1000 damage off all incoming damage. (Cost 10EN)
4.Presence of a sub pilot.
5.Presence of "Accelerate" Spirit command.
6.Presence of "Snipe" spirit command.
7.It can fly.
8.Decent effectiveness underwater…but not as good as one might have hoped.

1.It's a two-stat mech - and it really shouldn't be.
2.Weak assist weapon.
3.No ALL weapon to speak of.

Overall assessment: Pros lame. Cons serious. Bad.

2.EVA 13


1.High damage output.
2.A.T. Field - All damage under 3000 cancelled. (Not ideal, but okay.)
3.Presence of a sub pilot. - and he's a good one.

2.No ALL weapons.
3.It's a two-stat mech.
4.It's piloted by Shinji, and I hate him.
5.High energy costs.
6.It requires both E and B save.
7.Fragile once A.T. field is gone, and it will also be crippled at that point. Damn thing practically requires a DEC charger just to stay upright.

Overall Assessment: Cons heavily outweigh pros, but it's damage output is seductive. Probably not seductive enough, however.

3.EVA 8

1.Pilot's ACE bonus - this makes it so that her support attacks are actually stronger then normal attacks, and by a fair margin. (20%) Add the support attack skill to this, (It makes all support attacks auto-critical) and that's a legitimately frightening supporter.
2.Weapon range - The strongest weapon that it has boasts a 2-9 range, without outside help. This combo's nicely with the above.
3.It's a single-stat mech. Always helpful.
4.A.T. Field - Made better because of pro #5.
5.It requires only B. Save.

2.No ALL weapons.
3.Low damage output -especially in comparison to EVA 13. Though that is a dual stat mech, and this isn't, improving things slightly.

Overall assessment: (Preliminary, as I still have to check weapon effects and mech custom bonus)
Better then EVA 13, even though this is not immediately evident. It's still not exactly god's gift to mankind.

4&5.The Grapearls

1.They are 2L. That grants a substantial damage and defence bonus, and is not really that much worse then being 1L from a dodging standpoint.
2.When paired together, their ace bonuses power them up rather seriously. (I think it boosts outgoing damage and slashes incoming damage by 30%. Though I am not sure.) Stacking guard with this has positively terrifying potential.
3.They have a combo attack.
4.They can fly.
5.They are single-stat mechs.

1.When not paired together, their ACE bonuses are completely useless.
2.Their combo attack is kneecapped by having to be paired together…but it's not THAT bad, as it's an ALL weapon.
3.Taking both is mandatory. Just one isn't much help.

Overall Assessment: Really, they are the obvious choices, but I really want to keep the Raphael and Heavy Arms, and one of them would have to go.